Euromonitor Consulting Brand Identity
Euromonitor Consulting is one of the core offerings from Euromonitor International. Their success stems from a collaborative approach, which integrates client data and insights with Euromonitor’s wealth of syndicated market research, and Euromonitor Consutling’s expert, bespoke analysis. The tapestry the group weaves together from those three strands resulted in the concept behind the brand.
My Function
- Head of Design
Skills Applied
- Design leadership
- Design management
- Brand design
- Creative direction
Stronger Together
Because Euromonitor Consulting was part of the broader Euromonitor brand family, the identity system drew upon existing brand elements to create a familial relationship between parent, child, and sibling brands. Additionally, the Catalyst brand sat within the Euromonitor Consulting brand as the first of a planned suite of offerings from the burgeoning business line.
The slate colour used throughout the Euromonitor brand provided a cool, analytical, and neutral colour off which brighter accents could play, as the boysenberry colour chosen for Euromonitor Consulting. Secondary colours included orange, a different and darker one from the parent brand, and a set of additional colours that provided a necessary range for charting and data visualisation purposes, a key requirement of the brand’s expression.
Typographically, the brand used the same Freight Text and Proxima Nova as the parent. These were used in web and premium publications and touchpoints whilst Cambria and Calibri were retained as options for day-to-day Microsoft Office use, primarily in PowerPoint.
We also adopted a repeating pattern drawing from the logo’s basis in weaving. This was used throughout the brand’s expression, introducing patterns to the broader Euromonitor brand family.
Design Team Brand
- Head of Design
- 1 × senior designer
- 2 × designers
Guidelines and Templates
One of the core tasks set for my team was providing a series of PowerPoint templates, which would allow Euromonitor Consulting staff to create premium deliverables for clients. My team designed and developed a standard 4:3, a wide-screen, and a vertical/portrait format for the different use cases consultants had identified as priority needs.
We collaborated with consultants, identifying standard and specialist needs for deliverables. We worked to create guidelines, manuals, and best practices to help consultants address unique situations without necessarily needing to find time to iterate solutions with my team—especially important given the consultants were distributed globally.
Multiple rounds of testing and mock deliverables resulted in template decks with numerous and varied options, designed to address the diverse challenges presented to consultants throughout their decades of experience.
Because one of the main strands of Euromonitor Consulting’s methodology was using the industry-driven market research within Passport, the brand would leverage the extensive iconography developed for both the parent and Passport brands. Additionally, Euromonitor Consulting would have its own consulting-focused topic icons, which would then also be cross-purposed to the Catalyst brand.
The initial 20×20 pixel versions of the industry icons remained in use, because they were needed for online/digital versions. However, they also could be used in PowerPoint templates along with the larger 40×40 pixel versions.
But, the 80×80 pixel set presented an opportunity to begin further pushing the iconography. Since Catalyst’s smaller brand was finished first, the longer development time for Euromonitor Consulting allowed us to add additional details.
Industries Covered
- 20×20 pixel set
- 40×40 pixel set
- 80×80 pixel set
- 42 industries covered
- 15 consulting topics
Delivering Deliverables
Unlike the parent Euromonitor brand and the sibling Passport brand, Euromonitor Consulting’s brand primarily engaged with people via reports, presentations, and workshops delivered to clients. These mostly took the form of PowerPoint slide decks.